As the Professionals, Professional it is our mission to elevate and empower professionals using the ROXXLOXX™ Trademark and the Sisterlocks® trademark. It is our goal to share our over 50 years of experience to ensure a successful career with these Brands.
Our Styling and Color Class Curriculum can be applied to all hair styles and types, and are especially designed with information in highly textured and locked hair.
Our courses are offered year round based on popularity and level of demand. Our 2025 calendar are posted. Find our dates by consulting the class enrollment, using the drop down for each listed class. Join our list to be the first to know about upcoming classes and events!
Repair | Reattach Class
- Managing client's expectations
- Identifying a long lost grid
- Reattaching shedding locs
- Repair lumps, holes, weak areas
- Fees and time commitment
The Business of Doing Busines
Sisterlocks® | Interlocking 101
- Learn how to grow and maintain profitable AND successful clientele
- Maximize Your Sisterlocks® income using best beauty business practices
- Transitioning to Success: Making Money as a FULL-TIME Consultant
Professional Styling Class
Best Home Care Practices for all Locs
Law of Color
Cutting Locs
Look & Learn- Understanding and setting up your canvas. Cut | Color | Conditioner/Treatments
- Basic understanding of styling with – tools product
- Styling locs & loose hair
- Knowledge of what look for in quality products/tools and equipment
- Understand how to get the best results using the products and tools
- All the above
- Demo and practice of use of tools / i.e. rollers/loops/ braids/ curl irons
- Added confidence that you understand by all three forms of learning. See, hear and do it!